Saturday, September 21, 2013

Philadelphia millionaire Verdict: $ 25.2 million for asbestos victim

The jury in the case of Baccus v. Crane Co., held and heard before Judge James Murray Lynn in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, recently Awarded James Baccus' Estate $ 25.2 million in compensatory and punitive damages.

Mr. Baccus Claimed to Have Been exposed to Asbestos while working for the Navy in Philadelphia, But Also was injured in Kentucky, where I spent the remainder of his life.

The defense attorneys requested the Kentucky law be applied in the hopes of more evenly distributing the liability for the injuries on defendants who had Already Settled, but the jury DECIDED no liability against the defendants who Settled and Awarded significant punitive damages to the Plaintiff. Other Plaintiffs and defendants in the suit Settled for undisclosed Amounts

Attorneys will help you receive the compensation you deserve as Mesothelioma patients

Attorneys will help you receive the compensation you deserve

Mesothelioma is a cancer that derives solely from exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers inhaled our bodies remain in our body for 20 to 40 years before the disease manifests.

A judicial proceeding of this type has three objectives:

  • Financially compensate the damage and the pain suffered
  • Compensate any financial loss that may result from the disease, as is, for example, loss of employment
  • Reimburse medical expenses, if they existed, from the treatment of the disease

The lawyers in this field must be knowledgeable about the legal and medical terms related to a case of asbestos.

Pain and suffering : two common words in these procedures and describe the state of emotional turmoil, psychological stress and physical suffering experienced by the patient.

These three areas correspond to most of the amount to indemnify and depend on the specific case. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma you should be advised by professional experts who will fight for fair compensation.

Economic loss : although most of those affected are retired when the mesothelioma develops, there are others who are still working. A professional expert will claim compensation for remuneration lost as a result of the disease.

Medical expenses : although not usual in our country, it is possible to claim medical expenses incurred by the affected as it has the right to have private health care, including medical treatment, rehabilitation and hospitalization. They may also claimed the costs of home care that required affected.

Who pays?

Most actions are filed against companies who manufactured, exported or used asbestos. As these companies responsible for the use of asbestos is obvious that they are responsible for the damage caused to their workers. Procedural success will depend, in large part, to prove that the employer knew the danger that asbestos had implicit and lack of information provided to the worker.

What do you need to know about mesothelioma?

What do you need to know about mesothelioma?

Claims for diseases related to asbestos exposure are complex claims in which the lawyer has to be from a technical point of view fully informed. Mesothelioma lawyers want to know and understand this disease and the rights they have.

The reason for existence of these claims is that there is medical evidence linking asbestos with this type of cancer. There are many cases in which judges have decided that this disease have been responsible for the company that manufactured and used asbestos and who put their workers in a situation of risk.

When a judicial proceeding of this type starts is when the lawyer realizes that time is the essence of everything. And the aggressiveness of this cancer is such that the rate at which destroys the lungs and other vital organs makes life expectancy ranges between one and two years.

Another finding of particular relevance to these lawyers is that the death rate in workers exposed to asbestos is 300 times that of the general population. And the worst thing is not that, but many companies, especially since 1940-1980, knew the toxicity of this material and any information given to workers.

There are many ways in which occupational exposure to asbestos leads to mesothelioma include:

Shipyards. - Asbestos was widely used in shipyards, among others, in the steam pipes, hot water heaters and boilers.

Building construction. - products containing asbestos include insulation, concrete pipes, covers and tiles.

Demolition and remodeling. - When a building containing asbestos is demolished or repaired, workers can be exposed to deadly levels of asbestos fibers in the air

Exhibits also may be fatal secondary

Studies estimate that currently, despite the restriction of 2002, there are thousands of products containing asbestos. This means that more workers than there are more people who are at risk for mesothelioma. So there are few complaints of people suffering from mesothelioma who were exposed to asbestos in their homes.

So you can not say that there is a safe level of exposure to asbestos. If you have worked or lived near this material you may suffer from this disease

Contact professionals.

The expert lawyers Oria, Pajares & Associates fight for defending the rights of mesothelioma sufferers, reaching satisfactory agreements reached just solutions.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or any symptoms associated with this disease, contact Oria, Pajares & Associates, specialists experts will assist you in all steps to be taken, providing legal support you need.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Recalls hygiene measures to prevent contamination of the return from the grocery store

Bags and reusable grocery bins may contain harmful bacteria from food. These bacteria can contaminate food or other items found in the bag or container and put you at risk of food poisoning. Regular washing is essential.

It is important to follow some tips to reduce the risk of contamination and food poisoning. For example.

• At the grocery store, wrap the meat, poultry, and raw seafood in individual plastic bags. This will prevent the juices leaking out and contaminating the bag or reusable container and other foods.

• At home, clean and disinfect all areas, such as counters and tables, where you place your bags and bins.

• Wash your bags thoroughly before reuse for groceries if you are used to transport non-food products.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Surgical Intervention For Mesothelioma Patient

If the mesothelioma patient is stable according to a medical standpoint, your doctor may advise surgically treatment to stop the malignant tumor from growing rapidly.

How many treatments for mesothelioma, surgery is a palliative measure to relieve the pain and discomfort that causes tumor. Since the tumor tends to spread the chest wall through nerves and diaphragm, it is difficult for physicians during surgery shave all malignant tissue. So even if the intervention is not made to cure the patient as such, the attempt to transmit the tumor, they will prolong life expectancy.

When the tumor can not be settled with a simple surgical intervention, you can try a pleurectomy. This procedure involves severing the thin membrane around the lungs and inner chest (pleura) but leaves intact lungs. This surgery helps relieve chest pain patients with mesothelioma, improve breathing and you can control the fluid stored in the chest cavity.

Additionally, the doctor may recommend chemotherapy treatment given after surgery, in order to kill cancer cells that could not be filed during the intervention.

If the doctor thinks the remains localized pleural mesothelioma and in a first phase, may recommend an extrapleural pneumonectomy, which is a rare treatment to try to cure the patient. This type of intervention is extreme and difficult, which is why some surgeons only perform as it extracts not only the pleural membrane that lines the chest wall but also part of the diaphragm, pericardium and the full lung tumor is near. For this reason, this procedure is reserved for patients with moderately overall optimal health and not suffering other diseases.

Similar Surgical also practiced for peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Asbestos-Related Diseases

Asbestos-related Diseases

Those who have been occupationally exposed to asbestos mainly construction workers and shipyard-present have a high risk of asbestosis, mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancer.

It is estimated that between 1960 and 1990 more than 100,000 workers were exposed to asbestos fibers in more than 1,100 companies.

What about safety standards?

Although today there controls on the production and use of asbestos products and procedures that will reduce the number of cases of asbestosis, mesothelioma and other diseases related to asbestos exposure has grown steadily.

After a person has been exposed to significant levels of asbestos takes decades to one with symptoms related to the disease, to the point that in many cases, such as mesothelioma, symptoms appear when the disease has entered its phase terminal.

Have you been exposed to asbestos?

If you or your family has suffered any asbestos-related disease, such as mesothelioma, and want a professional you of your rights, please fill out the questionnaire and experienced personnel, like mesothelioma lawyers, they provide help and will contact you.

Usually they give a free consultations for you, no obligation involved for you and in no case enter into an attorney-client except as you wish.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Diseases Caused By Asbestos

Diseases caused by asbestos

It is estimated that from 2007 to 2016 accounted for 1321 deaths to mesothelioma.

According to medical research related deaths caused by asbestos diseases have increased in the last three decades. Thus for example the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC for short) has concluded that the number of people suffering from lung diseases associated with the inhalation of powder metals or minerals-such as silicosis, has increased in 70% since 1982.

The deaths from exposure to asbestos, however, have increased steadily, which undoubtedly is because the latency period of the disease is very long since the use of asbestos began in mid-1900.

Asbestosis is a chronic lung inflammation which occurs as a result of inhaling asbestos fibers over an extended period. The first symptom of asbestosis is the limitation in breathing accompanied by dyspnea. A medical examination may reveal whether fibrosis in lungs, which means that the asbestos fibers are deposited in the lung tissue.

The symptoms of this disease appear after 20 to 40 years from first exposure to asbestos. When we inhale asbestos fibers reach the alveoli which are the organs that serve to operate the mechanism by which oxygen reaches the blood. Once the fibers are deposited in the alveoli, asbestos produces an inflammatory reaction in the lungs. Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause scar tissue (fibrosis) within the lung.

The Scarred lung tissue does not expand and contract normally and can not perform gas exchange. People suffering asbestosis have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma and other lung cancers related to exposure to asbestos. There is no cure for asbestosis, but there are treatments to relieve the symptoms of the disease, such as oxygen therapy, aerosol inhalers and remove the pleural fluid of the chest cavity.


Mesothelioma is cancer of the lining of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and chest. In addition, the National Cancer Institute in the United States has determined that over 30% of all mesothelioma cases are of unknown origin, when the only known cause is exposure to asbestos.

Unlike asbestosis occurs that develops after prolonged periods exposure, mesothelioma cases can occur after only one month of exposure. Some cases of mesothelioma have occurred as a result of a single exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma has a latency period of 20-40 years and when symptoms manifest cancer has already spread to other parts of the body. Although there are treatments that relieve symptoms, there is currently no cure. For a complete study please go to what is Mesothelioma.

Other cancers

Studies show that after a year or constant exposure to asbestos after five years of exposure to asbestos gradual bend the chances of getting lung cancer. Each of the four types of lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma and small-cell carcinoma are associated with exposure to asbestos. People who smoke and have been exposed to asbestos are more likely to develop lung cancer resulting from such exposure to asbestos.

These cancers have a latency period of 10 to 30 years from asbestos exposure. The fact that a person exposed to asbestos develop lung cancer depends not only on the accumulation of risk exposure, but the person has to develop it. Asbestos has also been associated with cancer of the larynx. Some studies suggest that exposure to asbestos increases the risk of stomach cancer and colorectal cancer.

Have you been diagnosed with an illness related to asbestos exposure?

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with any of the asbestos-related diseases contact Oria, Pajares & Associates, specialists experts will assist you in all steps to be taken, providing legal support you need.

Please read what is asbestos.

Hope you are now aware of the diseases caused by asbestos.